
Eco Pop Quiz

Pop Quiz!I learned something most interesting last night while eating sushi with my boyfriend’s parents. Being so moved by my recent article about eco-friendly lab coats, my boyfriend’s scientific father told me a little eco tid bit, and I was most intrigued. So, I thought I would share my current eco-fact with all of you (cross your fingers I’m not the only person who didn’t know this.)

Most every U.S. adult has an upcycled item on their bodies daily. Can you guess what it is?

Written by Emily Konkler

Born in a small town in southern Minnesota, which didn’t quite fit her fancy, Emily headed for New York City soon after high school. While living in New York City, Emily's keen fashion sense was harnessed, transforming from a hobby to a quintessential passion. Emily has been involved with the fashion industry in numerous aspects including modeling, styling and managing runway shows.

Emily lives with her boyfriend Matthew and her overweight cat, Sisu, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She enjoys painting without talent, reading into the wee hours of the morning, rubbing Sisu behind her ears, sewing on her new machine, eating curry and naan whenever possible, wearing boots all year round, spending good ol’ quality time with her friends, drowning in organic cotton and giggling with her boyfriend.

Currently, Emily is a fashion design student and works at The Nature of Beauty-an organic beauty oasis, where her love for everything organic has flourished and taken her heart by storm. Follow her on Twitter @thekonks.

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