Listen, laugh & learn with the Green Divas (and Green Dude Scott) anytime – Podcast here!
Was fun to have the full crew back together in the studio this week. A lot of lively discussions, including GD Lisa’s Take Two segment on DIY natural hair coloring ideas right out of your kitchen cabinet!
- Red highlights: Create a beets and carrots brew and soak for an hour or two.
- Brown highlights: Soak your hair in coffee.
- Gray: Brew up one part dry organic sage and one part water and soak your hair it it for about 40 minutes. It creates a wonderful shine.
- Blonde: In the old days we used to squeeze Lemon juice on our hair and go out in the sun. Try a brew of lemon juice with chamomile tea , then spend some time outside gardening, reading, riding your bike, etc.
See GD Lisa’s full post on 10 ways to dye your hair naturally!
The Sleeping Naked is Green segment focused on coconut oil. Wow! Not only are there are an amazing array of reported health benefits of coconut oil, but there are even more ways to use it for things other than our personal health! Hear just the fun 5-min segment by clicking here.
Our feature interview was with Prescott Frost, organic rancher/farmer, sustainable food advocate and great grandson of poet Robert Frost.
As always, please visit our website for LOTS of relevant links & resources from the show – Green Divas website.
Hope you’ll listen to this broadcast!