
Love your Life :: Ten Easy Mood Enhancing Tips to Feel Good Anytime

We are so blessed to be alive, yet so many of us forget that feeling good is our responsibility. Here are some easy mood boosters that increase love in life..

Jump for joy image source.

1. Find an ideal place of relaxation so relaxing and memorable that you can go it to anytime you close your eyes.

Image Source.

2. Smile:

Image Source.
3. Breathe:

Image Source.

4. Be silly.

5. Have fun exploring nature:

Image source.
6. Have realistic expectations.

7. Find a creative hobby that brings you happiness:

Pottery image source.

8. See the Good in People

9. Dance and sing:

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Written by Lucille Chi

Lucy Chi loves good green design, ethical fashion, environmental art and education, renewables, holistic healing and more. She has been dedicating her energies toward finding and drawing attention to all the ways in which products, companies, and industries are moving toward creating a more sustainable world on the global scale, as well as the way individuals are moving toward living sustainably, and healing at the personal level.

Sustainability studies: &
B.S. Cornell University, College of Human Ecology, Dept. of Textiles and Fiber Science.

Contact: lucillechi (at)

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