Don’t you love the look of a terrarium? A splash of green, some earthy soil, a pretty container. What I love as much as I love terrariums is how simple they are to create. These terrarium ideas are more than beautiful: they’re totally doable. Even if you don’t consider yourself crafty.
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You know what else is cool about terrariums? They’re super low maintenance. Moss and succulents – the most common terrarium plants – are super hard to kill. Trust me. If I can keep these alive, so can you. Your terrarium just needs a spritz of water once in a while to stay alive.
I originally shared this list of easy terrarium ideas over at Crafting a Green World.
Simple, Beautiful Terrarium Ideas
1. Round Glass Terrariums – Artist Kim Fisher created these beautiful terrariums. You can buy one of hers or make your own! I could see creating a miniature version using mason jar lid rings and scrap plastic from toy or food packaging.
2. Miniature Rainforest Terrarium – Save those old soda bottles, and turn them into an educational terrarium craft for kids. Really, you don’t need a kid as an excuse to make one of these sweet DIY terrariums.
3. Terrarium Necklace – Wear a tiny garden around your neck! This tutorial calls for a tiny glass jar, but you could make a sweet, chunkier version with any clear glass or plastic vial. Old perfume samples come to mind.
4. Basic Moss Terrarium – Turn any reclaimed glass jar into a pretty terrarium for yourself or to give as a holiday gift.
5. Sand Art Terrariums – I love this colorful spin on the basic terrarium. Kelly Christine Musgraves uses colored sand for the layers in this pretty DIY terrarium.
6. Kid-Friendly Terrarium – Most terrarium projects are pretty kid-friendly, but I love how Parent Pretty turns this craft project into a miniature biology lesson. You can use any reclaimed jars you like for this project!
7. Teacup Terrarium – Hit the thrift or raid your pantry for an old teacup to turn into a super adorable terrarium. You can really use any miniature you like to decorate your teacup terrarium, so see what you have handy or what’s on the shelf at the thrift store. Just add some pebbles, a little soil, and a bit of cupcake moss.