
Green Cleaning Guide from Green Living Ideas

This visual green cleaning guide is a great place to start if you’re new to making your own cleaning supplies for a healthier, truly clean home.

A Visual Guide to Making Your Own Green Cleaning Products!

Andrea Bertoli from our sister site Vibrant Wellness Journal has started working on a very cool series on another one of our sister sites: Green Living Ideas (GLI). Andrea actually left Important Media for a bit to work on another project, but now she’s back, and I am so happy to see her name popping up all over our sites again.

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Her Homemade Living series at GLI is all about making products yourself instead of buying at the store. She shares recipes for beauty and green cleaning supplies. If you’re DIY-inclined, I can’t recommend this series enough.

The latest installment of Homemade Living was this stellar visual guide to making your own green cleaning supplies. She shares a handful of vital ingredients and tried and true green cleaning recipes. If you’re new to green cleaning, this is a great starting point for mixing up you own homemade cleaning supplies! (click the graphic to view a full-sized version)

Visual Guide to DIY Green Cleaning Products

Window image and overlay via Shutterstock

Written by Becky Striepe

My name is Becky Striepe (rhymes with “sleepy”), and I am a crafts and food writer from Atlanta, Georgia with a passion for making our planet a healthier, happier, and more compassionate place to live. My mission is to make vegan food and crafts accessible to everyone!. If you like my work, you can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, and .

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