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BeautyScoop: The Edible Beauty Product

BeautyScoopBeautyScoop is the edible beauty product many are raving about. I tried a few samples and they weren’t bad. The concept is believable. You eat the essential nutrients for maximum health and beauty benefits.

I mixed a packet of BeautyScoop into my smoothies for a couple days and it was wonderful. I had more energy and I felt better. I think I would have to try more than two days worth for an overall determination if it really works as well as it claims.

From the BeautyScoop website:

“BeautyScoop® is the first and only doctor-developed serious beauty infusion that enhances the health and appearance of the skin, hair and nails. In clinical studies, 86% of people who use it report improvement in all three areas – skin, hair and nails – within 3 weeks!* and clinically proven

This unique, edible beauty accessory, created by prominent NYC celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Michelle Yagoda, and world renowned chemist and inventor, Dr. Eugene Gans, is rich in peptides and lipids – the extra-nourishing building blocks your body needs to boost its own regenerative powers.

Unlike topical products that stop working when you wash them off, BeautyScoop®works from within. As a pure powder that you mix into any beverage, it is immediately absorbable for maximum benefits and long-lasting results.

Just one delicious daily dose, can give you youthful, radiant skin; shiny, lustrous hair; and gorgeous, healthy nails in just three weeks!”

The key ingredients in BeautyScoop are safflower, canola flower, vanilla flower and soy and whey proteins. All are full of lipids and peptides that are great for the skin, hair and nails.

BeautyScoop is all natural and vegetable based, never tested on animals, contains no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners, and blends science and nature for clinically proven results.

Sounds great to me. I think I’m going to have to grab some more BeautyScoop and see how ell it really works after the allotted three weeks. I’m all for beautiful hair, skin and nails…naturally.

Written by Wenona Napolitano

Wenona is married with three crazy kids that range in age from 4 to 18. She is a freelance writer, poet and the author of The Everything Green Wedding Book.

She enjoys reading, writing, crafting and gardening. She tries to do all of these as "greenly" as possible.

Her writing has appeared in several local and regional publications, Pack O Fun, Today's Creative Home Arts, and Indiana Living Green magazines as well as numerous online sites including,,, eHow, Associated Content, Suite101 and

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