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5 Homemade Tea Blends To Get Your Health Back On Track


The holidays are a whirlwind of family, fun, and indulgence. There is nothing wrong with partaking in some of the great things the season has to offer: cookies, lots of mashed potatoes, and champagne. After it’s all over, though, the body starts to feel it. Moving at such a quick pace and not eating what one should catches up quick. Drinking homemade tea blends helps me get my mind and body back on the healthy track. Here are five tea blends you can make at home that will get this year started right!

Next >> Digestion

Written by Maria

Hey there! I'm Maria Raffaelle and I currently live in Chicago, IL. I have a passion for all things eco-friendly in makeup, skincare, haircare, and fashion. The crafter in me loves to put a DIY twist on beauty too! One of my goals is to help women realize that they are all beautiful; no matter their size, shape, or skin. Let's celebrate the beauty in each of us, together!

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