This summer, The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, along with representatives from Illinois, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin, submitted a bill to the House that regulates and protects the products we use. The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 will work to eliminate ingredients like lead in lipstick and make sure that every company discloses all ingredients in their products. Knowing all that we do about the dangerous chemicals in our products, it’s amazing that there hasn’t been reform since 1938. Without this change, there are loopholes that still allow companies to use ingredients that have been linked to cancer, birth defects, and other illnesses. Products have changed drastically since then and this bill needs to pass to help keep us and our families safe.
To ensure that your voice is heard, and that your state representative supports this bill, I urge you to write them and let them know how strongly you feel. For real change to take place, we must become active in our government on every level. The campaign site already has a letter written out for you incase you don’t know where to begin.
We can’t forget that this important bill is yet to pass. Continue to spread the word about this important bill, along with safe cosmetics, and continue to live naturally beautiful.
[Cosmetics drawing image via The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics]
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