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How to Have a Green Diva Holiday: Fun, Frugal & Earth-Friendly

Listen, laugh & learn with the Green Divas (and Green Dude Scott) anytime – Podcast here!

A festive show this past weekend with everyone in the studio plus a couple of extra green divas. We talked about a lot about a ton of ideas on how to green your holiday celebrations and gift giving from a few posts we’ve done over the past week or so – the last post being ideas for some easy last-minute ideas that might be relevant now!

Green Diva Lisa’s Take Two segment offered even MORE great ideas for last-minute holiday gift giving and decorating and how to keep it all green, thoughtful and charitable.

Here are links to three GD posts this week that offer some simple, practical ideas on greening the holidays:

GD Lisa’s, 15 Green Holiday Gift Ideas That you Still Have Time to Make or Get

GD Meg’s, 9 Ways to Experience Personal Energy Conservation Over the Holidays

GD Lisa’s, 13 Ways to Wrap Cheap, Have Fun & Save Trees This Holiday Season

Please check out the Green Divas online Store for some of our favorite items found on, where all products are rated for just how green or sustainably made they really are.

Our feature interview guest was Jeff Yeager, author of several books, including The Ultimate Cheapskate. Jeff is always entertaining and FULL of ideas for how to be frugal, save green and BE green.

The Sleeping Naked is Green segment: Buy Dry Beans in Bulk launched a conversation on why we should consider buying certain dry AND wet goods in bulk.

Did you know that 80 MILLION tons of waste annually comes directly from packaging and containers? Listen to this week’s Sleeping Naked is Green 5-minute segment for ideas on how to reduce your packaging waste by buying more in bulk.

We also announced the winner of last week’s Eco Friendly Printer KNOW YOUR GREEN Quiz – Margery Dieball, who won a 1-year membership to Zipcar! Please go to our facebook page and see this week’s quiz to win a gift certificate to Tekserve, New York’s largest Apple computer service center!

As always, please visit our website for LOTS of relevant links & resources from the show – Green Divas website.

Hope you’ll listen to this broadcast!

Listen to the show here!

Written by Green Diva Meg

Green Diva, radio/TV host, publisher, author, content producer, screenwrwiter, and pro green blogger. all about sharing information on low-stress, sustainable living. You can also find The Green Divas on Twitter, Facebook, and .

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