
Five Alternative Outdoor Exercises


4. Hiking

Take a day trip outside of your city, or if you’re lucky your backyard, and go for a nice hike. Hiking is an excellent workout that gives you a great leg workout similar to running but gets you outside and in nature. Inclines in hills and a rougher terrain also help boost the workout and your leg strength. The American Hiking Society gives you a wealth of information if you are interested in getting into hiking. They give you loads of information when it comes to gear, safety, and skills. Your local parks department will also give you great information on where you can begin your hiking with trails, maps, and tips.

Next >> Jumping Rope

Written by Maria

Hey there! I'm Maria Raffaelle and I currently live in Chicago, IL. I have a passion for all things eco-friendly in makeup, skincare, haircare, and fashion. The crafter in me loves to put a DIY twist on beauty too! One of my goals is to help women realize that they are all beautiful; no matter their size, shape, or skin. Let's celebrate the beauty in each of us, together!

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