Living a creative life can help not only your mental health, but your physical health too!
Focusing on your health through exercise and diet are par for the course. Even your beauty routines can have an effect on your health, as evidenced by the amount of toxins in conventional beauty products! Your mental health can also effect your physical health, negatively or positively, and that’s where creativity comes in.
Creativity is an aspect of our health and well-being that we need cultivate and pay attention to. Living a creative life can help to lower stress levels, makes you happier, and gives you the skills to be a better problem solver. Embracing and living a creative life benefits each one of us–and others–greatly.
As adults, it can often be difficult to carve out the time in our day to express ourselves creatively. Work stress and daily responsibilities often stand in the way of being able to fulfill the creative spirit that resides within all of us. A recent article on CNN, showcases some of the reasons why making the time for your creative self ultimately does your body and mind wonders. There are also some great tips from blocking out the noise to redefining failure that will help to break down the barriers between you and living a creative life!
What are some ways that you live creatively? How do you carve out time and make sure that you give yourself moments to create? Do you feel that expressing yourself creatively has a direct link to your health? I would love to hear some of your thoughts, tips, and tricks on living a fulfilling, healthy, and creative life! Feel free to leave any comments, questions, or links!
[Paint image by Stebaneze via Flickr Creative Commons]