No matter where any of us look, we are constantly bombarded with ads trying to tell us that there are things about our bodies and appearances we shouldn’t like. Miracle creams to fix cellulite, surgeries to enhance our bust, and pills to help you achieve the perfect weight.
Often these ads create thoughts and feelings about our body image that we would never have had in the first place! Dove Australia created an Ad Makeover interactive campaign that puts women in the driver’s seat of advertisements. This campaign is working to make the Ad Makeover available in other countries, until then we can still share the message of self-love and acceptance through positive and affirming attitudes toward our (and other’s) bodies.
Though some sources have claimed that the Dove campaign ads replace or obscure other advertisements, that isn’t the case. Once the app has been downloaded and the positive ad is created, then Dove will place them as if they would be placing their own advertisement.
Advertisements that try to shame you into buying a pill over a few extra pounds or make you feel less attractive for having a smaller bust only serve to keep women feeling insecure and uncomfortable in their own skin. Pushing back against these types of ads is the only way that the messages and advertisements will ever be changed. Begin by embracing every aspect of your body, (perceived) flaws and all! Let other women know that they are beautiful too! Affirm that their inner beauty will always shine through and will always be more important than a little cellulite or jiggle!
What ways can we help to build up women’s images of themselves? What steps or actions can we take in our daily lives to help end the cycle of negative body talk and start helping everyone realize that they are beautiful? I would love to hear some of your ideas and ways that you try and do this for yourself and others! Feel free to leave any comments, questions, or links.
[Love yourself image by That Girl Crystal via Flickr Creative Commons]