Previously, on FGS we talked about the possible choices for ladies to buy organic intimates. Which who knows? May just move you to a luxe-lingerie dance party tonight. Right now Grist has a great article out on greening the underwear drawer and it includes briefs for men. As a resource they feature Red Dog eco sport. Looks like a good choice for the guys! The styles are simple and all organic, and they have a solid mission:
Red Dog products are made in Turkey from SKAL certified organic cotton (exclusive of trim). Low impact, eco-friendly dyes were used to achieve product color. RDS encourages organic farming and eco-friendly, sustainable living. By providing farmers with tools to improve their skills, and thus the quality of their cotton, we hope to increase their opportunities for self-sufficiency and sustainability. We only work with manufacturers that believe in our principles. All workers must be paid a living wage and no unfair labor practices or unsafe working conditions can exist. Your support enables us to educate consumers on the benefits of recycling and renewing the earth’s natural resources.
P.S. For more resources for men go to this Grist article and for ladies intimate advice go to this sexy Sprig post.Image Source