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Earth Day Fun, Higher Gas Prices and Green Cars

green car

Way too much to cover in one hour during this Earth Day celebration week! Of course, we like to think that every day is Earth Day, but thanks to the mainstream commercialization of this emerging holiday, it has become quite a media bonanza!

Because we had our favorite green car dude, John Voelcker, Sr. Editor of HighGearMedia’s; we asked ourselves, our audience and fans about greening their driving.

Here’s the poll we did on facebook – please feel free to include your voice and see the surprising results! We’ll continue to talk about in upcoming weeks:

Is the price of gas prompting you to consider buying a ‘greener’ car? If so, what are you most likely to get?

We listed several options, including “None of the above, or I don’t own a car.” This was great fodder for John to offer excellent information on various options for greening our driving, but John also talked about the New York Auto Show and some of the latest in what the car companies are offering.

Of course, we chatted about some of the more interesting ideas we heard about for Earth Day celebrations . . .

Laugh, learn and listen to the Green Divas Radio Show & Podcast!


NEXT WEEK’S FEATURED GUEST: Graham Hill – Founder of If you would like to ask Graham anything, please leave a message here or go to our facebook page.

Written by Green Diva Meg

Green Diva, radio/TV host, publisher, author, content producer, screenwrwiter, and pro green blogger. all about sharing information on low-stress, sustainable living. You can also find The Green Divas on Twitter, Facebook, and .

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