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Cool “Flow” Compost Desks are a Hot Idea for the Kitchen

Look at this genius kitchen set up by Dutch designer John Arndt via design sprout. It uses the genius inner workings and complex yet simple systems in nature as a beautiful example of how to go about sustainable design. This marvelous piece of furniture was engineered to use the waste from one process to fuel the others. For example, the mini ecosystem design includes dishes that are always tidy, and get washed in place, and as they are rinsed they water the edible herbs underneath that are ready to spice up salads.

Image Source.

Read More on Eco-Friendly Interior Design:

Written by Lucille Chi

Lucy Chi loves good green design, ethical fashion, environmental art and education, renewables, holistic healing and more. She has been dedicating her energies toward finding and drawing attention to all the ways in which products, companies, and industries are moving toward creating a more sustainable world on the global scale, as well as the way individuals are moving toward living sustainably, and healing at the personal level.

Sustainability studies: &
B.S. Cornell University, College of Human Ecology, Dept. of Textiles and Fiber Science.

Contact: lucillechi (at)


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