Far from being my ‘crowning glory’ my hair is actually my worst nightmare! I have hair that happily resides in ‘neither here nor there’ land when it comes to attributes and seems to have a mind of its own: oily & flat at the roots but some days I get amazing root lift; dry ends that are fragile no matter how many 6wk hair cuts I maintain; easily straightened but immediately ruined by humidity; some days does exactly what I want and others not… I curse that I was not one of the fortunate (and rare?) people who has ‘normal’ hair! However, I was recently sent a sample of the new Aveda Smooth Infusion Style Prep Smoother and not only am I loving it, so is my hair. It protects against heat & humidity for up to 12hrs, applies super lightweight and doesn’t feel as though I’m either coating my hair in an oil slick, or weighing it down with too much product, plus I can use it before drying & styling and after to get rid of frizzies and seal ends. It may or may not be the hair Holy Grail but it’s workin’ for this girl! PS… there’s also an entire Smooth Infusion line, in case you’re interested. Writer :: Emma Pezzack – www.futurenatural.com : the best organic beauty products in the world.