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4 DIY Recipes for Winter Skin

healthy hands

4. Winter Hand Salve

My hands – especially the skin on my knuckles – take a beating in blustery fall weather. Soothe dry, cracked fall and winter skin with a homemade hand salve! This recipe from A Sonoma Garden gives detailed instructions on how to make this salve, which not only will heal your dry skin but helps soothe eczema!

Do you have a favorite DIY recipe to protect your skin from winter weather? Share your favorite recipe in the comments!

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Image Credit: Healthy Hands photo via Shutterstock

Written by Becky Striepe

My name is Becky Striepe (rhymes with “sleepy”), and I am a crafts and food writer from Atlanta, Georgia with a passion for making our planet a healthier, happier, and more compassionate place to live. My mission is to make vegan food and crafts accessible to everyone!. If you like my work, you can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, and .


Fall Style: Cozy Handmade Finds for Fall

Ingredients to Avoid: Talcum Powder