Initial Thoughts
I had read that your hair may go through an oily phase while transitioning to a no ‘poo hair routine. I am definitely experiencing this. Luckily, I have to wear a head covering at work, so most of my days I don’t have to worry about the greasies. I can see how this stage of the game could affect a womans thoughts about continuing with the routine. I have also read, though, that you should stick it out! I’m only on Day 3, so I have yet to see how long this greasy phase actually lasts. I can already tell that the texture of my hair is a little different. After my hair dried from traditional washing and conditioning before, it always ended up flat and kinda straight. Now, I have noticed that it has a little more texture and bounce. I have waves that I didn’t have before, which I love.
I started this routine on May 1st and I would love for you to join me on this 30 Day No ‘Poo Challenge! Every Wednesday this month I will be giving updates, tips, and my general thoughts and feelings on going no ‘poo. It would be great if you could join in and give your own feedback, tips, tricks, and thoughts on this method. Have you gone no ‘poo before? What did you like and/or not like about the process? I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings as this 30 day challenge begins!
[Shampoo bottle image by alles banane via Flickr Creative Commons, Baking soda image by clkohan via Flickr Creative Commons, Apple cider vinegar image by KooshKing via Flickr Creative Commons]