Feel Good Style :: Reclaiming what style truly means by celebrating a healthy lifestyle and natural beauty.

Style is about more than conventional beauty. It’s about making daily choices that are healthy for our bodies and our planet. Whether that means using natural beauty products, wearing sustainable fashion, eating feel good foods, or adding healthy habits, we believe that the way we treat our bodies is directly related to how we feel.

Here at Feel Good Style we explore that mind-body-Earth connection and bring you healthful advice on clothing and beauty, information on personal care and product purchasing tips, plus some truly helpful and fun DIY projects.

We all want to feel beautiful, but what does beauty mean to you?

True beauty isn’t something that you can buy in a bottle or paint on your face. Beauty is compassion, not just for yourself but for this planet we all live on together and the people and creatures that share it. Confidence is beautiful, and so is conviction. We want to empower you to make mindful choices and live the sustainable lifestyle that’s important to you without any reservations. It’s about seeing beyond the way marketers and advertisers tell you that you should look and behave, and feeling good about your beautiful self.

Feeling great + living well = personal style and natural beauty. Feel Good Style.

[Image Credit: Creative Commons photo by Scarleth White and Flickr.com]