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Conflict Free Diamonds and Recycled Gold are a Girl’s Best Friend

Brilliant Earth Diamond and EmeraldThe search for the perfect wedding ring (or special piece of jewelry for that matter!) can be a harried and overwhelming process, but the designers at Brilliant Earth have an eye for high style and elegant design that will leave the most fashionable eco-chick swooning.

Men – take note – not only are these gorgeous pieces, but they are also guilt-free: as in, the designers source conflict-free stones and recycled gold material when possible. Not to mention the company supports local communities in Africa that are usually affected by poor mining conditions and where most conflict diamonds are a source of funds for civil war. Not exactly the image that you want to conjure when you are admiring your custom designed ring glistening on your finger.

Written by Courtney Carlisle Bolton

When she isn't writing or in the library, this tech savvy ecophile can usually be found glued to her mobile or macbook ogling the latest gadgets, scouting the newest designs, traveling or out enjoying the Colorado terrain.

Courtney holds two masters degrees in Psychology and Communications and received her BA from Vanderbilt University in Psychology and English. She recently relocated from Los Angeles to Denver, CO where she is pursuing her PhD in Family and Child Psychology.


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