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Stephen Colbert Busting the Beauty Industry

Unilever wants ladies to fret over unsightly pits.
Unilever wants ladies to fret over unsightly pits.

Last night’s Colbert Report had a hilarious, eye-opening segment about a new Unilever campaign.

As Colbert points out, part of the way the beauty industry sells to women is by playing on our insecurities. When that well seems to be running dry, they invent brand new things women should feel insecure about. This might sound like exaggeration, but check out the segment:

This campaign seems a little bit over the top, but I think it highlights what the beauty industry has been doing for decades. High five to Stephen Colbert for calling them out!

Have you guys run across any other blatant campaigns to play on our insecurities? Share away in the comments!

Image Credit: Creative Commons photo by istolethetv

Written by Becky Striepe

My name is Becky Striepe (rhymes with “sleepy”), and I am a crafts and food writer from Atlanta, Georgia with a passion for making our planet a healthier, happier, and more compassionate place to live. My mission is to make vegan food and crafts accessible to everyone!. If you like my work, you can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, and .

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